The winter blues can be eliminated by reading more books, information. People can start dreaming, thinking about the future while the winter is going on. They can use different books out there to think about summer days. People can also write in order to get rid of the winter blues. They may get ideas and become the next successful writer in what would otherwise be considered a very gloomy period. People that write about positive things can stay positive in life.
Key Takeaways:
- SAD can be treated with light therapy (either artificial or natural)
- SAD occurs more often with women, and can exacerbate emotional disorders for those who already have them
- Regardless, any thoughts of harming self should be reported to Suicide prevention hotline
“One of the most pervasive types of depression hits during the darker months. Clinically, this is called SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and symptoms can range from lack of motivation and trouble focusing, to full-blown depressive symptoms.”
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