What Is A Ketogenic Diet? – Huffington Post Australia

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A “ketogenic” diet is one of the newer diets to have caught profound interest. According to the diet’s “guidelines”, those who choose to participate in the regime are to restrict as much carbohydrate consumption as possible as well as manage smaller portions of protein. The key element in this type of diet is to starve the body of an essential fuel found naturally in foods-carbohydrates, and essentially force the body to metabolize excess fat in order to sustain itself.

This practice can be hazardous as it causes the formation of ketone bodies which leads to embarrassing and debilitating side effects like bad breath and headaches. Despite this, there is a big benefit from the diet if done properly: prominent temporary weight loss. Scientists are continuing to research the claims this new diet has on helping children with neurological illnesses and cancer patients.

This diet should not be attempted without consulting a medical professional.

Key Takeaways:

  • People following a ketogenic food regimen cut out most carbs from their diet so that their bodies derive energy primarily from fat in meat and dairy products instead
  • The goal of ketogenic eating is to force the body into a state of ketosis, meaning that it is no longer relying on carbohydrates for energy
  • Some common critiques of the ketogenic diet are that it is unsustainable, it might destabilize gut health, and it is low in vital nutrients like B vitamins and fiber.

“In other words, people who follow a ketogenic diet find they can tolerate hunger or kilojoule restriction better, compared to regular weight loss diets.”

Read more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2017/08/14/what-is-a-ketogenic-diet_a_23076347/