Kentones are said to be preferred by certain cells because they can produce the fuel that our bodies need. For this reason, people go on kentogenic diets. During a kentogenic diet, there is a huge increase in kentones or fuel. However, while this all sounds good Kentones can also be very harmful to the body. They can cause major cell damage. Glucose is needed to produce the right amount of energy in our bodies and when excess amount is produced it can damage things.
Key Takeaways:
- Ketones are an alternative form of energy that some parts of the body use instead of carbohydrates, fats, or proteins.
- Ketone usage, or Ketosis, occurs after the first two or three days of carbohydrate restricted diet.
- If you manage the nutrient balance and insulin levels appropriately, ketonic diets can improve your health in a variety of ways.
“Ketones are a more efficient fuel source that inhibits the production of free radicals and reactive oxygen species.”
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