If anyone has though about or has adopted the Paleo diet, they can expect to steer clear from processed foods. These individuals need to shop for fresh produce, or, if they can: get to know their local farmer’s market. The Paleo diet has an emphasis on produce and meat, so these people need to make sure they’re getting the freshest, best quality that’s available to them. Adopting a new lifestyle might seem daunting, but people don’t need to have access to specialty stores to take on a Paleo diet; most any grocer should have options that will work for them.
Key Takeaways:
- WHEN GROCERY shopping on the Paleo diet, one thing’s for sure: people won’t be putting many boxes and cans in their carts.
- Always go for wild-caught fish over farmed, if available, and eat the canned kind—like tuna and salmon—sparingly.
- All fruits are allowed on Paleo, and most experts recommend eating them at every meal
“Get ready to shop the perimeter of the store for whole foods, or better yet, head to a farmer’s market for the freshest—and purest—meat and produce one can find”
Read more: http://www.mensfitness.com/nutrition/what-to-eat/paleo-diet-shopping-list