The caveman diet, favoured by Victoria’s Secret models, does work! Health expert reveals going paleo gave her … – Daily Mail

two girls and one guy exercising with kettlebells

The paleo diet is big in the fashion industry as many of the top models and nutritionists follow this diet plan to look and feel good. The paleo diet is based on what cavemen would have eaten before we had processed foods. This means no gluten, dairy or processed grains. Starting this diet also has great benefits including: weight loss, improved mood, more energy, and clearer skin. The great part about paleo is people don’t have a fine line of foods they can eat. If they mess up on accident and eat something that’s against the diet, they can still look and feel amazing.

Key Takeaways:

  • A caveman diet is a diet free from anything artificial, like additives, the way cavemen ate.
  • Paleo isn’t really a diet, but a way of changing your eating habits to a more natural menu.
  • Early man, who ate off the land, were relatively disease-free.

“Aside from improving followers’ skin and promoting weight loss, cutting out processed and sugary foods is also thought to improve heart health and boost energy.”

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