This pulled pork breakfast tower sounds very delicious. The author described in detail the process of preparing the pork for consumption. First, she separated the pork from the pork fat. Second, she rubbed the meat with all kinds of spices, including salt and pepper, which the pork would absorb while cooking. Next, she melted butter in the microwave, cracked an egg in a separate container, and after this, combined the butter and egg. She then fried up some eggs to go along with the pork. Lastly, she piled the cake, the egg, the pulled pork and then topped it with BBQ sauce. It is quite the treat!
Key Takeaways:
- People are able to make low carbs pulled pork with a sugar free BBQ sauce.
- With little effort and a couple of key ingredients anyone can make a great/healthy pulled pork
- This recipe can be pre-made for future events so people don’t have to cook again.
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