Have you been searching for a way to motivate yourself to lose the weight you have been trying so hard to lose? Sometimes, even though we want it, we still manage to talk ourselves out of making those correct decisions. Then, we berate ourselves for not working towards our goals. There are a few simple things you can do that might help offer some motivation every time you are faced with the opportunity to make a healthy or an unhealthy decision. The following are two ideas that might work for you, or you can come up with your own:
Keep a picture of yourself on hand from the days when you were thinner. If you have ever felt better about yourself, find a picture of that time in your life and keep it handy. Save it on your cell phone or keep it at your desk so you see it often, reminding you that you can feel better and lose weight.
Find a swimsuit or other clothing that you want to purchase and don’t allow yourself to buy it until you lose a certain amount of weight. It is important not to set this as an unrealistic goal, though. Allow yourself sufficient time and a realistic, healthy goal – such as 1 pound a week, and after 5 pounds you allow yourself the splurge.
A different type of reward – if clothes isn’t your thing, you can make it something unrelated to clothing. You can plan a night out with friends, a date night with your spouse, a trip to somewhere fun you have been wanting to go, and a variety of other types of rewards.
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