A Post-Thanksgiving Reset: Keto-Friendly Bulletproof Coffee
Here’s a coffee that can help people lose weight, Keto Coffee. Made with Bulletproof coffee beans, Brain Octane Oil and grass-fed ghee or butter, this..
How to Make the Trendy Keto Diet a Legit Lifestyle Choice
Keto diet plans are getting very vogue, exploding in popularity. Celebrities and high profile athletes are taking it up, and people are paying attention. A..
5 Ways to Enjoy the Holiday Meals — and Not Feel Like Crap
Just because someone is on the Bulletproof Diet doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the Holidays with family and friends. If people are going somewhere, they can always make a..
Decision making and memory decline with age, so we think! Researchers at UT Dallas have created a program called SMART (Strategic Memory Advanced Reasoning Training)…
Diabetes Self Management reports a new discovery scientists have made regarding Type 2 Diabetes. The region of the brain, the hypothalamus, that controls appetite and..
Medical personnel and nutritionists both recommend beans be included in a healthy diet intended to manage cholesterol levels. Beans also play a significant factor in..