When it comes to Keto, there are many “it depends” on the food options you choose to indulge with as you need to stay in ketosis while following the diet, which means no cheat days. The primary goal is to monitor your daily macros, consume little to no carbs, and get your food sources mainly from fats and proteins. 

That being said, many people have been asking this controversial question: “Can You Eat Fried Food on Keto?”. We’re here to answer and dive deeper into the reasoning behind this as we move forward to this blog, so stick around!

So can you eat fried food? The short answer is No. The reasoning behind this is that most if not all of the fried food options are mixed with breading and other additives, which are more than enough to get you into the ceiling of your daily carb requirements. Not to mention, starches are also something that is prohibited in the ketogenic diet to keep and maintain a person dieting in the state of ketosis.

No food is disallowed for Keto as long as you hit the macronutrient targets daily and make proper adjustments while sticking with better food alternatives. There’s a reason why Air Fryers are popularly used by people following the ketogenic program. It simply gets the job done without submerging your food into the cooking oil, which could also contain excess carbohydrates, and you won’t also have to worry about food breading.

By switching your cooking method and opting in for low-carb fried recipe foods for Keto, you’ll be able to keep your state of ketosis, which is burning fat as a source of fuel and other known benefits.


Keto-Friendly Cooking Oils for Frying

Now that you’ve had quite an idea of why fried foods aren’t recommended in a ketogenic diet, now is the time to search for better alternatives and make it happen if you miss your favorite mouthwatering fried foods. One of the best ways to shed some carbs on conventional fried recipes is finding keto-friendly ingredients. Here are some of the best keto-friendly cooking oils you should have in your kitchen as a keto dieter!


Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is one of the most common alternatives keto-friendly cooking oil as it has little to no carb content and is high in saturated fat. Just make sure that you’ll be intentional when you’re using coconut oil in your cooking, as they tend to affect the taste of your food.


Olive Oil

Another healthy source of fat that can be used for cooking keto foods is Olive Oil. Opt-in for extra virgin oil if you want a little step further on the healthy side. These are the least processed and have tons of nutritional benefits added for your general health.


Avocado Oil

Avocado Oil boasts a rich flavorful taste and should be on your list of alternative cooking oils for keto-meals. It might be on the more expensive side of options, but rest assured that it’s worth a shot!



Good news for people who love butter out there, butter also can be used as an alternative oil while cooking your delicious ket-friendly meals. No one could take away the rich and mouthwatering flavors that butter could add to virtually any meal. However, it’s important to note that it browns faster than other oils, so it’s unsuitable for high heat cooking.


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