Scientists are attempting to identify the exact chemical and physiological effects that a ketogenic diet has on the brains’ inflammatory response. Ketogenic diets are extreme low carbohydrate, high fat diets that benefit people with epilepsy and other neurological disorders. However these diets aren’t feasible for sick people with more traumatic injuries to follow. The scientists have discovered how various chemicals produced by the diet block the metabolism of glucose, which causes the body to activate a protein that suppresses the activity of inflammatory genes. If the scientists can reproduce these effects in a chemical form they could develop drugs that would mimic the dramatic reduction of inflammation that ketogenic diets produce.
Key Takeaways:
- The diet described, has been well know to help with certain neurological problems and illnesses.
- The peptides and molecules discovered have uses beyond what the study had hoped for. Such as helping treat diabetes.
- Combating inflammation after injuries is a tough issue to address. The research done helps shed new light in ways to help those affected.
“The UCSF team has discovered a molecular key to the diet’s apparent effects, opening the door for new therapies that could reduce harmful brain inflammation following stroke and brain trauma by mimicking the beneficial effects of an extreme low-carb diet.”
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