A Paleo diet restricts sugar, grain, and dairy products which makes determining which alcoholic beverages one is allowed to consume while on this diet somewhat challenging. Beer is the most Paleo unfriendly alcoholic beverage due to its ingredients. Organic and red wines are allowed. Vodka, gin, and 100% agave tequila are also allowed. It is best to have these liquors on the rocks or with a water back to avoid unhealthy additives. Hard cider is also acceptable on the Paleo diet. Be sure to consume alcohol scarcely for best results on this diet.
Key Takeaways:
- The Paleo diet is very constricting on wheats, sugers, etc which means picking alcohol to drink can be very difficult.
- Paleo loves wine because it is made naturally by farming
- Paleo’s worst drink to do while on the diet is beer.
“The hardest part of starting any diet is figuring out what one is allowed to eat and drink — and what one is not.”
Read more: https://www.popsugar.com.au/fitness/Which-Alcohol-Paleo-44058411