There is no such thing as a perfect, one-size-fits-all dietary plan, but all the recent buzz surrounding the increasingly popular ketogenic diet is more than just hype. Scientific research has provided a strong body of evidence in support of the low-carb, high-fat nutrition plan prescribed by the keto diet. Swapping carbs out with fat as the body’s main source of fuel forces a number of changes within one’s system that facilitate weight loss. The diet also can help to prevent or alleviate serious health conditions including inflammation, diabetes, cardiovascular illnesses, hypertension, and brain deterioration, among others. The keto diet also unleashes anti-inflammatory properties within the body, improves brain performance, and keeps energy levels high.
Key Takeaways:
- The ketogenic diet can provide unique positive effects on the body due to carbohydrate restriction and ketone production functions.
- The Ketogenic diet can either reverse or reduce the severity of multiple conditions, including: Epilepsy,Type 2 Diabetes, High Cholesterol,High Blood Pressure, and High Blood Sugar
- It is important to consult with a doctor before starting a ketogenic diet. It can be a significant change for the body, so key bio-markers should be tracked as well.
“The ketogenic diet has unique effects on the body and inside of the cells that provide benefits that reach beyond what any other diet can provide.”