The occasional instance of heartburn can be uncomfortable and annoying to deal with, but when the heartburn is chronic it can be disruptive and debilitating to daily life. Heartburn occurs when stomach acid travels into the esophagus. The acid causes a burning sensation in the chest along with a variety of other symptoms that can include, burping, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing, among others. Doctors typically advocate over the counter or prescription medications with the intention to reduce the level of acid in the stomach. However, these are often short-term remedies that cause long-term problems. In reality, the problem is not too much stomach acid, but too little. Low levels of stomach acid can be the result of many things, including stress, age, infection, medication, and more. To treat stomach acid, there are numerous home remedies available, like apple cider vinegar. There are also herbal remedies as well as over-the-counter solutions, including ibuprofen.
Key Takeaways:
- There are many different triggers for acid indigestion, which may or may not be serious.
- There are many effective remedies to help symptoms of heart burn.
- Stomach acid balance is really important, and imbalances can cause many painful, chronic issues.
“Heartburn, indigestion, and acid reflux all refer to the same thing – the burning feeling one gets when acid from one’s stomach comes up into the esophagus. “Up” is the wrong direction for digestive fluids, for the record.”
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