“What The Health” is a new Netflix documentary that links diet to disease. The film argues that the government’s relationship with both pharmaceutical companies and major agricultural conglomerates have resulted in harm to the American people. If people don’t have time to watch it or are interested in knowing what it is about, here are seven key takeaways from the film. People need to stop blaming their genetics and start paying attention to the food they eat. It can be hard when we are listening to lies produced by the food industry, and this documentary can help us understand these lies.
Key Takeaways:
- Dietary choices have the biggest influence on all chronic diseases
- The dairy industry is not truthful and the health advantages of milk
- A whole food, plant based diet can improve even genetic health issues
“We’re talking about the carbs as part of whole foods, of course, not the added kind we find in Twinkies. And whole-food carbs don’t cause diabetes, which is more a function of too much dietary fat.”
Read more: https://www.forksoverknives.com/7-key-takeaways-from-what-the-health/