Diabetes can be difficult to control, but there are a few key steps people can take to make it better. What they eat plays a crucial role in their blood sugar, maintaining healthy eating habits, and exercise can help with this immensely. People may not believe it, but smoking and drinking can both be correlated to increased blood sugar levels, so be sure to keep this in consideration. Its very important to find stress relieving activities in one’s day to day life to stay healthy.
Key Takeaways:
- Managing one’s diet is critical when it comes to diabetes; keep control of one’s blood sugar.
- Exercise is an easy and non invasive method for managing blood sugar, which is how diabetes is controlled.
- Stay in contact with one’s doctor, and follow his or her recommendations.
“Working closely with a doctor, people can manage their diabetes by focusing on six key changes in their daily life.”
Read more: https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/diabetes-lifestyle-tips