Permanent lifestyle changes are the best way to lose weight and improve overall health. 10 percent of men and 30 percent of women report an inability to lose weight permanently, instead being caught in a cycle of weight loss followed by weight gain followed by weight loss etc. If body weight cycles up and down, this is both physically and psychologically undesirable for a variety of reasons. However, although weight loss is desirable in those who are overweight, it is also better to maintain ones current weight rather than be caught in a cycle of weight loss and weight gain. The author recommends losing weight and keeping it off, or simply maintaining current weight, as the best options for your health.
Key Takeaways:
- Yo-Yo dieting, while done by 30 percent of women, causes more harm than good in the long run.
- Lifestyle change, while having a slower weight loss effect, has a much higher rate of sustainability than yo-yo dieting.
- Quality protein intake is essential during weight loss to prevent muscle loss.
“Weight gain, including rebound or yo-yo weight gain after dieting, is also linked to increased blood pressure.”