What’s Actually Bad About “Processed Food?” 4 Reasons Industrial Food Processing Damages Health

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Many processed foods contain soy. Soy acts as estrogen in the body which is not good for it. It’s also not surprising that many processed foods contain a lot of sugar, but it’s actually worse than one may think. Processed foods are also full of fats and not the good kind of fats. These bad fats cause inflammation. The trans fats in a lot of these processed foods are devastating for the heart. Stay away from processed foods.

Key Takeaways:

  • Processed food can be a broad term, but generally most people are referring to something that’s full of unhealthy eating.
  • Soy protein is commonly packed into processed food; hidden in the ingredients list but not named on the front of the package.
  • Beyond the soy, processed food is packed full of sugars, fats, and designed to encourage overeating.

“Another reason why the foods we think of as “processed” are so unhealthy is that they’re high in the bad kinds of fat”

Read more: https://paleoleap.com/whats-actually-bad-about-processed-food-4-reasons-to-skip-the-junk/