Serving Sizes and Other Food Label Secrets

Happy Girl eating fruits withs friends in the background

It is very important that people learn to read food labels so they get what they’re paying for. People should definitely pay attention to the serving size so they know how much to eat. They should also look at the ingredient list to see if there are ingredients in there that they do not want to put in their bodies. It is important to educate oneself on ingredients and servings so one can make better food options.

Key Takeaways:

  • One vitamin-taker got a wake-up call when she realized she had misread the serving size in the label and was taking a third of her required dosage.
  • The serving size is usually the first thing listed on a food package and indicates not only the correct serving size, but how many are available within a package.
  • It is also important to note that ingredients are listed in descending order from item most prevalent in the food package to least.

“Food labels have lots of good information, but one needs to know how to read them”

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