IBIH 5 Day Keto Soup Diet – Low Carb & Paleo

A diet called the “5 day keto soup diet” is a great way to shed pounds quickly. It is different than other keto diets as it still provides people with antioxidants, nutrients, and electrolytes to help them continue to feel good while losing weight quickly. This diet requires the elimination of nuts, dairy, and all sweeteners. Recipes for the soups are provided, and the calorie count is kept between 1200-1300 per day for participants. Many people see visible results after only five days.

Key Takeaways:

  • This diet is built around a keto soup full of nutrients, antioxidants, electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals to help you lose weight while feeling healthy.
  • Other components of the diet are coffee without any dairy or sweetener and tuna, chicken, or egg salad.
  • While the diet is hard to stick to, the results are worth it and can be achieved as long as there is no cheating!

“This highly effective 5 day keto soup diet is perfect for when people want to break through a low carb stall, drop some fast pounds for an event or vacation, or get oneself back on track after a weekend (or longer) of over-indulgence.”

Read more: http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/2017/06/5-day-keto-soup-diet-low-carb-paleo-whole-30.html