Famished? Tips for Feeling Full While Dieting

Have you recently started dieting and seem to feel hungry all the time? If this happens to you, it can easily set you back in your progress of achieving your weight loss goals. No matter what type of diet you are on, it is usually common that your portions will become smaller at every meal. Since you are accustomed to eating a certain amount of food, when you lessen the amount you may be left feeling famished. However, if you increase your portion sizes to fight hunger while dieting, you will likely never achieve your weight loss goals – and you may get so frustrated in the process that you end up giving up altogether. To stick with your diet plan without feeling as though you are starving all the time, read on:
Give it Time for the Hunger to Pass
As your body gets accustomed to eating smaller amounts of food, your stomach will actually shrink over time. While this doesn’t happen overnight, it doesn’t take months either. For many people, it only takes a week or two before they realize their diet doesn’t leave them feeling hungry anymore. If you haven’t yet reached this point in your diet, however, there are some things you can do to help speed the process along.

Limit Carbohydrates
If you are on a low carb diet, limiting carbohydrates will simply be a part of your routine. If, however, you are on a different type of diet, this is a trap you will want to avoid. Carbohydrates are generally filling (think pasta or potatoes), so you may consider eating this type of food to get that full feeling while dieting. However, carbohydrates are processed by the body quickly, leaving you feeling hungry again a short time later. In the same manner that sugar will give you a quick energy boost, but then drop you later, eating carbs while dieting will leave you feeling full, but quickly cause you to be hungry again (which can ultimately lead to overeating).
Go for Whole Grains/Fiber to Avoid Hunger
If you are limiting carbs, you can replace those favored foods with whole wheat versions (this includes breads and pastas) – the body takes longer to process these types of foods, which will leave you feeling full for longer. The same is true for foods high in fiber (and whole wheat products contain fiber as well). You can purchase foods that specifically state they are high in fiber, and there are also many proteins, fruits and vegetables that offer enough fiber to help you feel full longer. Apples, avocados, broccoli, spinach, beans, and peanuts are all great options. Keeping these high fiber foods on hand at all times can help battle hunger without ruining your diet.
Water, Water and More Water
One great way to battle hunger while dieting is to consume more water than you normally would. If you get a 20-ounce bottle of water and drink the entire thing before you sit down to eat your meal or snack, you will be surprised to find that you are full on a smaller amount of food than usual (if you don’t drink bottled water, consume an amount of at least two glasses – 16 oz.). Of course, the body processes water quickly, which is why you will have to drink a lot every day to battle hunger. In addition, you can add a lot of high-water foods to your diet, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, etc. Over time, you won’t need as much water to help you feel full while you are on your diet- your stomach will shrink and it won’t take as much to fill you up at each meal.
Additional Tricks for Feeling Full When Dieting 
If you follow the above guidelines and still find yourself feeling hungry because of your diet, there are a few other things you can do. You can divide your plate portion in half, and if you drink a lot of water when you eat the first half, you will feel full for a while, so you can store the remaining portion of food for later. Then, when you get hungry again, eat the other half with more water. This can help you feel full for longer, but it won’t ruin your diet in the process. Another trick to helping you feel full is to eat slowly. Putting your fork down between bites,eating with chopsticks, eating with your non-dominate hand, and taking a drink between every bite can all slow you down while eating and will leave you feeling less hungry at the end of the meal.
Thanks for reading our article! If you want to keep low-calorie, low-carb snacks on hand for when the hunger gets to be too much, visit our store at ThinSlim Foods! We have a wide selection that is sure to get you through this stage until you feel full for longer!