The Amount of Water People Should Drink to Lose Weight

We all have heard that people should drink plenty of water a day to help them maintain good health and achieve weight loss. Most often, it is said that you should drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water every day, but some sources say you should have an intake of water according to body weight. 

Read on to learn the new equation being recommended for determining daily water intake and how it can help you lose weight:

In this equation, you would consume half your body weight in ounces of water daily. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you would drink 100 ounces of water every day. For those who weigh 160 pounds, you would consume 80 ounces of water per day. 

These numbers are well above the typically recommended 64 ounces (8 eight-ounce glasses), but it makes sense that those trying to lose weight would need to consume more water than the average person. 

Drinking more water keeps your metabolism going as it processes the calorie-free beverage, it keeps you feeling full, and it hydrates and helps flush out toxins that can retain weight on your body.

How Drinking More Water Promotes Weight Loss

Understanding the need to drink more water and how it correlates with weight loss helps us become even more driven to meet our daily water intake requirements. 

Here are some of the reasons why drinking more water promotes weight loss:

Water Keep Your Metabolism Going

Drinking more water keeps your metabolism going as it processes the calorie-free beverage, it keeps you feeling full, and it hydrates and helps flush out toxins that can retain weight on your body.

It Keeps You Feeling Full

When you feel like you’re always hungry even though you just had breakfast or lunch, most of the time, you’re just actually thirsty, and a glass of water might solve that hunger.

Binging is one of the most common reasons for weight gain and drinking more water keeps you away from the need to eat something now and then.

Dehydration Leads to Bloating

When our bodies feel like there’s a shortage of water or electrolytes in the system or when we are dehydrated, the natural response is that our bodies retain more water, resulting in us feeling more bloated or having that puffy face.

It may seem counter-productive that the solution for releasing excess water in our bodies is to drink more of it. Still, the simple explanation for this is we urinate more often, therefore, removing water from our systems naturally.

It’s Harder to Burn Fat When You are Dehydrated

According to this study in 2016, hydration might be associated with weight loss through increased lipolysis, the process in which our bodies burn fat for energy.

It’s safe to say that if your main goal is to lose weight, you have to avoid being dehydrated by drinking water more often and consider the required daily intake mentioned above.

Few Tips to Effortlessly Drink More Water

Drinking more water is quite common knowledge for everyone. Still, like exercising, it seems like it’s not the easiest thing to do, especially in today’s world where there are thousands of different beverages to choose from, and it’s getting harder for us to choose plain water as default.

Here, we’ve compiled a few steps you can take to make drinking more water a little bit more effortless.

Drink One Glass of Water Before and After Eating

As simple as this strategy could get, it helped many people struggling to stop overeating and lose weight. The main idea of this strategy is to take a little bit of some space for your stomach to hydrate before eating, which then would give you the idea that you are already full after a few bites. 

Choose Water as Your Beverage if You’re Eating Out

Drinking calories is the fastest way to get fat, simply because you hardly notice the number of calories you are taking into your body. The best way to avoid this problem is always to choose water as your primary beverage, especially if you’re eating outside.

Get Yourself a Water Jug and Carry it Around with You.

If you want to stay consistent and hit your daily water intake requirements, you must keep yourself accountable. One of the best ways is to have a large water jug that you refill once every day. This will serve as a constant reminder for you whether you’ve finished your water goal or not. 

Wrapping Up

Thanks for reading our blog! Not only should you increase water intake to lose weight, but choosing healthy and low-calorie foods is also a necessity. Find ones that taste great at ThinSlim Foods!


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