Excuses Busted! Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight During the Holidays

As we have mentioned in previous articles, the holidays can be one of the toughest times of year to lose weight, or even keep extra weight off. As we head toward the end of a year (and typically looming resolutions to follow), we often slack off a little on the exercise and the proper eating habits. Add to that huge family dinners and many gifts of sweet treats that tend to be plentiful this time of year, and it may seem hopeless. So we have put together a list of excuse busters that can help you avoid falling into the trap of gaining weight over the next month. Read on for advice that might just help you reach the new year without any extra weight.

Excuse: The weather is too bad to exercise. 

This one can be hard to overcome, particularly if you usually walk or run outdoors. When the temperatures drop and the snow or ice begins to fall, you may find yourself hunkering down indoors without getting in any exercise at all. There are ways around this, however. Joining a local gym can provide you the warmth of indoors, and is a great option during winter months for weight loss. Not all gyms are expensive either. The YMCA in most areas bases membership on income level, keeping costs low for members. Many towns also have local community centers that are affordable (some even as low as $10 a month or less to use) and at least allow you the space to get moving and keep those holiday pounds off. Another great option for walkers is your local mall. Simply walking a couple of laps around indoors can help keep your metabolism up to prevent extra weight during this holiday season. 

Excuse: You love warm wintery foods. 

When the weather gets colder, we tend to crave those foods that makes us feel warm and full, such as soups, chili, and anything else that can cook in a crockpot all day. While many of these foods can be healthy, it is important to keep portions small. Making these meals with low carb and low calorie ingredients can also prevent you from taking in unnecessary amounts that can lead to weight gain during the winter. 

Excuse: You can’t resist those sweets that accompany the holiday season.

If the foods of the season that you can’t resist include sweets such as fudge, you may want to consider keeping healthier alternative chocolate snacks on hand. This way, when you come in contact with these food items, you can replace them with a healthy similar option. 

Excuse: You are going to change your ways after the first of the year. 

Many of us do it – we look toward the future just a little too much. Knowing that our New Year’s resolution will be to lose weight, we let ourselves slack and indulge a little more than we should for the last month or two of the year. The problem with this mentality, however, is that you can end up gaining an extra 5 or more pounds before the new year arrives. When that happens, it means you will likely be into February or even later before you are back at the size you are now. Instead, continue your weight loss plan through this month, and it will leave less work for you when the new year arrives.

Thanks for reading our blog! Visit us today at ThinSlim Foodsto stock up on great low-carb, low-calorie snacks that can help you stay on track with weight loss, even during the holidays!