Are There Really Tricks for Losing Weight?

We’ve all heard the marketing ploys that appeal to our need to lose weight and our frustration at the hard work it takes. There are pills, wraps, and more that promise they can make you lose weight without even trying. But we also all know there is no real “secret” to weight loss – you can’t make a wish and suddenly be thinner, smaller, firmer or obtain any other different physical attribute. For success in weight loss, it takes hard work, motivation, and determination…oh, and lots of willpower. This is the reason that so many of us struggle with weight loss – after all, if there was a magic trick to losing weight, we would all be thin by now. There are, however, a few small tricks that can either help kick-start a long term weight loss plan or help keep you on track in your progress. Read on to learn some of the top tricks to incorporate into your day to really be able to make the lifestyle changes necessary to lose weight and keep it off. 
Trick for Losing Weight: Count Those Calories
It is important that you don’t skip over this section because you dread counting calories daily. This is not to say that you must count every calorie you eat (although many people do have success dieting this way). Instead, when we say a trick for losing weight is to count those calories, we mean at least temporarily. Count all the calories in your foods for at least a couple of days. You may be surprised to learn that something as simple as mayonnaise on your sandwich contains up to 100 extra calories. Five small food or drink items like this a day can cause you to gain a pound a week (or lose a pound a week if you remove them from your diet). By counting calories temporarily, you will have your eyes opened to how many calories you actually consume in a day – and the number is usually surprising (and not in a good way). By counting calories as a trick for losing weight, you will be able to make better judgments on a daily basis, and that can ultimately result in a higher success rate.
Trick For Losing Weight: Don’t Avoid the Scale
Yes, the scale is a scary place for most of us. But it also forces us to face the truth. No successful dieter avoids the scale completely. To use the scale as a trick for losing weight, weigh in at least once a week (many people even do it more often than that) so that you can track your progress. When you lose weight by eating low calorie foods and exercising, congratulate yourself. When you don’t, or even if you have gained some, use it as an opportunity to adjust your plan, not as a reason to be down on yourself. It may sound simple, but using the scale to your advantage is a definite trick for losing weight that most successful dieters use.
Trick for Losing Weight: Avoid Deprivation
So you counted calories and realized that you should probably eliminate sodas, candy or some other splurge that is likely preventing you from losing weight. However, if you do not allow yourself a (small) splurge every once in a while, it will later lead to binging or intense cravings that just won’t abate. Avoiding depriving yourself of great foods (particularly if you love the ones that are great tasting and also low in calories) is a common trick for losing weight that successful dieters swear by.
Trick for Losing Weight: Motivate or Reward Yourself
For those of us who battle weight, it is bothersome that the reward of losing weight, being slimmer, being healthier, etc. isn’t always reason enough for us to put in the hard work it takes to lose weight. But it still happens for many of us. Have you ever thought to yourself when looking at a movie star that lost baby weight quickly, Well, if someone was paying me that much to be in shape, I could do it too? If you have, then find something to reward yourself with and use it as a motivational tool. The trick for losing weight is to have something besides the weight loss itself as a motivating factor. For some, it is a doctor warning us of the detrimental effects if we don’t. For others, it is a new wardrobe. For some, it is competition, whether between friends or co-workers. Whatever motivates you in life, use it to your benefit as a trick for losing weight.
Thanks for reading our article! While none of these tricks for losing weight can work on their own, if you incorporate them all into your daily lifestyle, they will help you begin to make the changes necessary to start a lifelong journey to better health and happiness that often comes through weight loss. Visit us at ThinSlimFoods to find great low-calorie, low-carb snacks that many people use as their trick for losing weight!